Monday, July 2, 2012

Pumping Iron

Well, blogging just happens to be one of the many things I've been behind on lately.

Since our return from Brazil, I haven't felt very well. Not like myself. Not much energy. KInda blue. But when I started to bruise every time I bumped into something and my hair started falling out, I worried. I got an appointment at the clinic and they ran some blood work. My numbers all came back very wonky. So my PCM sent me the next morning to a hematologist who ran some more tests and diagnosed me as being extremely anemic. I've been borderline forever, but for some unknown reason, my iron levels had tanked. He wanted to run some more tests and set me up with a 2 week follow-up appointment and I started taking oral iron. When they got my labs back, I got a call from the clinic and they were very concerned. Concerned enough not to wait the 2 weeks and start me on weekly iv iron treatments for 8 weeks.

I don't feel much better yet, but no worse. I am so grateful that this is a problem that can be fixed. I am grateful that there is a reason that I have felt crummy.

And I'm looking forward to getting caught back up on life.


Anonymous said...

That looks like it could be Diet Dr. Pepper going directly into
your vein.....saves time! :-)

the mom

The FOUR M's... said...

Yikes!! I hope you feel better soon. Take it easy!

Cherie said...

I can totally relate to not feeling well (my thyroid issues this past year) and being grateful that there is a reason for it and that it can be somewhat fixed. Anyway, just want you to know that I hope you feel better soon! :)
Love the Diet Dr. Pepper comment. :)