Monday, December 22, 2008

Sing Along Christmas Story FHE

The amazing Cocoa over at Chocolate On My Cranium has a really great FHE outline for a family sing along telling the story of Christ's birth. Check it out here. It would be perfect for tonight!!

Merry Christmas!!


Shawna B. said...

Ooooh... gonna go check it out right now! Thanks, Amber!

Merry Christmas! Your card is the one I get the most comments (oohs and aahs!) about at my home. Love it. Beautiful as always!

Our Complete Family said...

Hi Amber! I'm here~ just haven't been blogging lately. I need to load some pics soon!
I just wanted to pop by and wish you a merry rest of your week dear!
Hugs and high fives to your adorable and sweet family~ Les